Computer Application & Information Systems. Ecole Nationale d’Administration (Algiers)

  • Years : 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 (3 classes)
  • Average enrollment : 38 students
  • Level : 2nd year
  • Annual hourly volume :45 hours
  • Type : Classes, seminars, practical work and exams
  • Total time spent: 135 hours

This two-semester course is tailored for second-year students and aims to equip future administrators with a strong digital culture and technological skills necessary for modernizing institutions and successfully implementing information systems.

During the first semester, students will be introduced to fundamental concepts related to computerizing management and administration. They will explore software design and application programming principles, information coding, arithmetic, and computer system architecture. Additionally, tutorials will provide students with hands-on experience using spreadsheets, specifically Excel, to develop their proficiency.

The second semester of the course will delve into information systems (IS) and databases (DB). Students will begin by exploring the key concepts of IS and their functions within an organization. They will then learn methods for building process-oriented IS. As the course progresses, more technical aspects of databases, such as design, implementation, feeding, querying, and integration in an application environment, will be covered in-depth. The course will conclude with a presentation of database management systems (DBMS). Practical work for this section of the course will be done using Excel and Access tools.

By the end of this comprehensive course, students will possess the knowledge and technical skills necessary to confidently pilot the design and implementation of information systems and advance the modernization of institutions.

Course material

GNU Linux Operating Systems - PGS IT Security. CERIST (Algiers)

  • Years : 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 (5 classes)
  • Average enrollment : 17 students
  • Level : 1st year
  • Annual hourly volume : 30 hours
  • Type : Classes, seminars, practical work and exams
  • Total time spent: 150 hours

This comprehensive course serves as a fundamental prerequisite for the PGS-Security course, equipping learners with the necessary skills and knowledge to proficiently administer and secure a GNU/Linux environment. The curriculum is structured into two parts, with the first part serving as a refresher course that covers the theoretical foundations of operating systems and delves into the philosophy and workings of UNIX systems. Topics such as file systems, processes, and services are explored in depth, providing a strong foundational understanding of system administration in a GNU/Linux environment. The second part of the course builds on this foundation, covering essential cybersecurity concepts such as best practices, sudo usage, physical equipment access, data encryption, password shadowing, user account and group management, iptable filtering rules, file and directory permissions, and ACLs. By the end of the course, learners will have a well-rounded understanding of system administration and security management in a GNU/Linux environment, making them well-prepared for future studies in computer security.

Course material

GNU Linux Operating Systems - PGS HPC & Big Data. CERIST (Algiers)

  • Years : 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 (3 classes)
  • Average enrollment : 12 students
  • Level : 1st year
  • Annual hourly volume : 30 hours
  • Type : Classes, seminars, practical work and exams
  • Total time spent: 90 hours Linux powers the vast majority of high-performance computing systems. This comprehensive course aims to equip learners with the necessary skills to leverage GNU Linux for massive data analysis and HPC infrastructure management.

The course is divided into two complementary parts. The first part provides a refresher course on system administration in a GNU/Linux environment. It covers the fundamental principles of operating systems, including the philosophy and operation of UNIX systems, such as file systems, processes, and services.

The second part delves into the data analysis and HPC-oriented aspects, including advanced techniques for using the Linux Shell, connecting to remote interfaces, scripting, as well as package management and application development. This section focuses on helping learners develop practical skills that can be applied to real-world problems.

Course material

Big Data Languages - R Language & Tools. CERIST (Algiers)

  • Years : 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 (3 classes)
  • Average enrollment : 12 students
  • Level : 1st year
  • Annual hourly volume : 20 hours
  • Type : Classes, seminars, projects and exams
  • Total time spent: 60 hours

The R language is a powerful tool for data analysis, statistics, and visualization, which has gained significant popularity due to its open-source nature. Its potential for processing massive amounts of data makes it a valuable asset in both scientific and corporate environments. This course aims to provide a practical and comprehensive approach to using R and its statistical tools for analyzing large datasets.

Starting with the basics of R language and RStudio development environment, this course covers the essential data types, including simple (number, string, boolean) and advanced (vector, factor, array, list, matrix, {data.frame, and formula). Participants will also learn fundamental data processing techniques such as vectorization, loops, control structures, scripts, and functions.

To perform advanced statistical analysis, the course introduces specific R packages and explores their usage. Additionally, participants will learn how to create scripts for simulating data, testing complex hypotheses, and generating graphical representations using the ggplot library.

The course includes hands-on mini-projects, which involve real data from server logs, to provide a practical understanding of the concepts learned throughout the course. By the end of the course, participants will have a thorough understanding of R and its statistical tools, empowering them to tackle real-world data analysis challenges.

Course material